The client needed to efficiently capture and process trade data, thereby maintaining accuracy and minimizing latency

Trade Capture System | Best C# Development Company


Interface with ICE/CTRM Systems

The solution is based on an Azure bus-based architecture. When a message is received from the ICE Exchange, an Azure Service is invoked which reads the message in the FIX format. It then dispatches it to Azure Bus. Subsequently, an Azure Bus-triggered Function is called, which in turn triggers an API. This API is reliable for parsing the data & storing it securely in the Azure SQL database. The interface to CTRM systems mirrors the ICE integration, utilizing Azure Bus, Azure Functions, and REST API for smooth communication. This ensures that data flows seamlessly between the Trade Capture System and the CTRM software, minimizing disruptions and errors

Web Application for Deal Enrichment and Trade Capture

We created a web-based application hosted on the cloud. This improved the enhancement of deal enrichment and trade capture capabilities. This application follows a microservice architecture. It supports user roles enabling traders and administrators to customize their trade listing views and trade capture views based on their preferences. The solution utilizes SignalR to deliver real-time updates to users. The administrators/support team can track individual trades and make necessary interventions. The solution provides a cockpit view of the trades with a service monitoring dashboard. This helps the support team expedite the trade settlement. Traders can benefit from this user-friendly and configurable interface providing them with the tools and information to make decisions promptly.


Our Trade Capture System and Deal Interface have not only met but exceeded our client's expectations. We have equipped the traders with speed, precision and an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. This has happened by seamlessly integrating with the ICE Exchange, enriching trade data, ensuring real-time processing, and interfacing effortlessly with the CTRM software. At the same time, the administrators/support team get a cockpit view of transactions. This enables them to take swift action for faster trade settlements. We have thereby empowered our client to stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of commodities trading.

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