Optimizing .NET 8 Performance: Tips and Tricks

Optimizing .NET 8 Performance: Tips and Tricks
.NET 8 performance is definitely better than its previous versions; with a few tips, you can leverage it more.

Surveys show that visitors abandon a website or app if it takes more than three seconds to load. That is the power of performance in today’s fast-paced life. .NET 8 is the newest version under the framework of Microsoft for developing apps on wide platforms and languages.

Many methods exist for optimizing the performance of an ASP.NET web application; we will examine the most effective ones. These modifications can bring amazing outcomes. So, without any further ado, let’s talk about tips for performance enhancement.

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Enhance .NET 8 Performance with These Tried & Tested Tips

Optimizing the performance of any application is important. With a few tips and tricks, .NET 8 can perform even better.

Evaluate Everything

Establishing a performance baseline for your application requires your top priority. Occasionally, you modify the site to enhance performance, only to find that it has the opposite effect.

ASP.NET 8 performance provides surprising outcomes. Server, JavaScript, and loading performance metrics should all be part of a comprehensive performance evaluation. There are better ways to gauge progress than using a stopwatch. 

You can use prefixes to draw attention to slow queries, huge JavaScript files, and other issues. You should understand which of these optimizations are most useful from the measurements.

Compile a list and rank it from most significant to least. The things at the very bottom of the list usually aren’t going to cause you any trouble until much later on. 

Sort the Easy Tasks First

Choose the most consequential item to address first after compiling your list. .NET 8 experts will feel great and have a lot of resources to keep optimizing if they can immediately demonstrate a big impact on your users.

Modifications to a single page may not be as noticeable as big items (such as loading JavaScript or CSS, among other things).

Turn on Compression

The HTTP protocol is inefficient because it does not compress content by default, which is more efficient. While images and some web resources are compressed by default, markup languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are usually transmitted as plain text. The gzip algorithm allows for the compression of HTTP content, even in the most outdated browsers.

If you compress an HTML file with gzip, you can save about two-thirds of its original size. For example, a 100 kb uncompressed file will only take up 33 kb when transferred over the Internet.


A slew of helpful optimizations is part of HTTP/2, the latest version of HTTP for better .NET 8 performance. The server connection supports “pipelining,” a technique that allows for the simultaneous transfer of multiple files.

Because of this, merging files to reduce HTTP requests is mostly pointless. There is a tremendous disparity. Ironically, while nearly all browsers support HTTP/2, server-side implementations are often the bottleneck. For example, HTTP/2 support is not available in Azure Web Apps. 

Now, the server can anticipate user requests for resources and intelligently decide what to serve. The server can now be told to transfer the file before the browser even realizes it needs it, which is useful if the index page contains a JavaScript file that will be discovered once the browser has parsed the entire page. 

Preload the CSS

Your site’s CSS files should load in the page’s head section. If you want to know how fast browsers are, you should know a little about this.

As soon as the browser detects that the downloaded page contains content, it will try to begin rendering the application. Since the browser is unaware of what elements on the page might render its assumptions useless, the rendering process is frequently a game of guesswork.

When the browser learns it was wrong about how to display the page, it has to start from scratch. Including a new stylesheet is one factor that triggers one of these reflows. Always load style sheets before applying them for higher .NET 8 performance to an element so they don’t change its rendered state.

Load JavaScript Last for Better .NET 8 Performance

JavaScript is different from CSS and needs to load last. The primary reason is that we prioritize fast page rendering, and JavaScript is usually not required for the initial render.

The average user will pause what they’re doing for a second to read the page and process its contents. You can use this window to load scripts in the background and improve the page’s interaction. 

Let’s add a disclaimer to this rule: it might be counterproductive to load JavaScript last if your site uses a lot of it, like an Angular or React application.

It is worth looking for .NET experts to load the minimum amount of JavaScript required to bootstrap the application while loading the rest in the background. Even more so, you can look into what are known as isomorphic or universal applications if speed is crucial.

For these apps, the server-side rendering of the pages is the first step; the JavaScript app then attaches to the rendered HTML and continues processing. These apps are great because they load quickly without sacrificing the smooth experience of single-page apps. 

Verify Your Queries

Although object-relational mappers (ORMs) have greatly improved developer productivity, their abstraction might lead to less-than-ideal query optimization.

In cases where you are experiencing n + 1 select errors or excessive server data retrieval, Prefix will indicate these instances. Fixing these issues with eager loading instead of lazy loading and looking at projections is surprisingly easy. Microsoft offers some more detailed suggestions to improve the way EF (Entity Framework) calls SQL. 

Reduce Picture Size

Your site would be picture-free if the world were perfect. Due to their significantly smaller file size, vector graphics made with inline SVG or CSS tricks are usually far more efficient than raster images when designing web pages.

But since you won’t be able to pull this off, focus on making images smaller instead. Although it may be challenging to determine the appropriate encoding settings, some very remarkable services can accomplish this task on your behalf. If you’re using a JavaScript build tool, you can find plugins that optimize your code similarly; however, they don’t include the picture. 


Adhering to the aforementioned best practices will maximize .NET 8 performance.  

To take it further and increase the application’s speed, you should engage .NET developers to update the code according to new releases and requirements.

The performance will improve significantly once you adjust the app to follow the guidelines provided.

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